Govt. of People’s
Republic of Bangladesh
Stamp value 100 Taka
+ 50 Taka
Stamps No. FA5431661
and LA5839753
Bismillahir Rahmanir
“Office Rent
Mrs. Ali Ashrafi Sultana, daughter of Syed Ali Afzal, wife
of A.K.M. Abdullah Khan, Profession – Housewife, age – 42 years, Nationality –
Bangladeshi, Address : 59/3/4, Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000.
----The First Party
(House Owner).
Md. Asadur Rahman Kiron, son of late Nur Mohammad Khan,
age – 45, Profession – Business, Nationality – Bangladeshi, Address : 7 No. Jaimat Khan Road,
Pagar, Tongi, Gazipur.
Md. Nasir Uddin, son of Lal Mohammad, age – 45,
Profession – Business, Nationality – Bangladeshi, Address : 16 No. Jaimat Khan Road,
Pagar, Tongi, Gazipur.
Md. Abdur Razzak, son of late Abdul Jalil, age – 43, Profession
– Business, Nationality – Bangladeshi, Address : House No. 33/1, Road No. 5, Block – D, Section – 6, Pallabi, Dhaka – 1221.
Second Parties on behalf of Uttara Printers Ltd.(Revocable Tenant)
Beginning of the House Rent Agreement
in the name of the most merciful Allah.
The First Party 59/3/5, Purana Paltan, Dhaka
of its owner and possession holder. The Second Parties are businessmen. The
Second Parties are Printing or Printing Press business for a long period. The Second Parties were wanted to get into the
ground floor of the said building of the First Party for the purpose of running
Printing or Printing Press business on monthly rental basis under a revocable
tenancy and then both of the parties through discussion, on the following terms
and conditions, there is performed of the Agreement.
Terms and
Conditions of the Agreement
01. This
Office House Rent Agreement will be begun since the dated 01/09/09 AD and shall
be come to effective and valid till the dated 31/08/2014 AD next.
02. Ground
Floor of the aforementioned building monthly rent of it is fixed in total
25,000/- (Twenty Thousand) taka only of which in the current month within the
dated seventh, the second party will be given to the first party through accepting
a paying receipt on cash money.
03. The
Second Party (Tenant) for the purpose of
smooth maintaining of the rented floor, there will be given security money in total
11,00,000/- (eleven lac)_ taka to the
First Party house owner. At the end of the agreement, if the agreement is not
make to renewal of it, then would be make to understand the possession of the
said floor to the First Party and the second party will be taken security money
from the first party. But upon the same security money, there could not be
demand any kind of compensation money or interest.
04. The
Second Parties after not taken previous permission from the First Party, there
could not be make any kind of change on structure of the said floor. But the
Second Party with his/their own cost and to the need of the business such kinds
of coloring including decoration are able to removal could be done.
05. The
Second Parties during the period of taking possession of the aforementioned
floors of which kinds of fittings or decorations are remaining, there will be
properly maintained of those and at the end of the duration, there will be made
to understand those to the First Party.
06. The
Second Party used water, electricity bill and night guards fixed salary
etc. will be given to the First Party
including with monthly rent. If the second parties do not pay the regular rent,
water and electricity bill, then the first party without any kind of notice
water and electricity will be made to disconnect it and in it, there could not
be make any kind demand and objection.
07. The
Second Parties into the rented floor, there could not be given any kind of
sublet or possession transfer etc.
08. For
any cause in the rented floor before expiry of duration, the First Party is
wanted to get of the said floor or if the second party would be wanted to leave
of the said floor, then both of the case, 03(three) months advance notice will
be given to each other.
09. The
Second Parties, for their own need air-conditioned or any kinds of others
electrical equipments/machine running purpose additional electricity if be
needed to supply, then for bringing excess load of its cost shall be borne by
the second party.
10. The
Second Parties on rental floor could not run any kind of legally forbidden
business. If be done of the same, then the First Party shall not be liable of
11. At
the end of the aforementioned duration of the agreement, on amicable
compromise, for the purpose of next duration, there could be made renewal of
it. But in this case, upon the running rent, monthly rent shall be increased of
20(twenty) percent. In the next period, if there is wanted to make it renewal,
the Second Party must be informed to the
First Party before 03(three) months on written basis. Otherwise will be treated
as for not to want for renewal or not to need for the next term and in this
case, the Second Party at the end of duration of the Agreement, there will be
made to understand possession of the rented house to the First Party and will
be received with understand of the deposited money or at the end of duration
mentioned into the Agreement for the cause of staying of each day, there shall
be bound to pay 2,000/- (two thousand) taka.
12. For
the cause of violation of any terms and conditions of the agreement and if the
agreement is terminated and then for this case, all of the deposited money of
the Second Parties shall be treated as cancel and the First Party without
giving any kind of notice, there could be made to disconnect of the electricity
and water connection. In it, the second party could not be made any kind of
demand and objections.
: Schedule :
60/2, Purana Palton Holding of
the Surma Tower, to the North and East Late Dr.
Refat Ullah of his land, to the West – the First Party of one of the other
building, 60/2 of the holding its ground floor, of which amount in
approximately 1200 square feet.
Therefore, in self-willing, in
full of sense, without influence of others, in presence of the following
witnesses, we are both of the parties, there is singed of this office rent agreement.
Signature of the Witnesses:
Name and Address:
Signature : Ali Ashrafi Sultana
(Ali Ashrafi Sultana)
The First Party (House Owner)
01. Name :
Signature Illegible, Signature : Illegible
Address: R.S. Printing, Palton, Dhaka.
Signature : Md.
Nasir Uddin
Nasir Uddin)
The Second Party (Revocable Tenant)
Signature : Md.
Abdur Razzak
Abdur Razzak)
The Second Party (Revocable Tenant)
Asadur Rahman Kiran
3. (Md.
Asadur Rahman Kiran)
The Second Party (Revocable Tenant)
02. Name....................Signature....................
Honorable Chairman
Ashia Union Council
Patiya, District – Chittagong
Subject : Divorce According
to the Muslim Family Act of the year 1961.
Name :Asmaul Husna Rifat
Daughter of late Mohammad Osman Gani
Mother – Sabera Begum
Village –South
Sikalbaha (House of Osman Master)
Police Station – Karnafuly,
District – Chittagong.
Dear Sir,
am the following signatory Mohammad Ababil Islam Chowdhury, son of late
Rashid Ahmed Chowdhury, mother – Rabeya Begum, Village – Ashiya, Post Office
– Banglabazar, Police Station – Patiya, District – Chittagong, on the passed
dated : 28/01/2011 AD written by the side of the page Asmaul Husna Rifat,
there was engaged with marriage relation following with Muslim Family Act and
Islamic Shariah Rules and imposing dower value 5,00,000/- (Five Lac) Taka.
But it is a matter of much sorrow that from the period of marriage, it is
seen that my wife is not willing to make a family life with me and I was
known through each other peoples that there had been going of my wife with another male person out of
marriage relation. In this regard, there was arranged many meeting on family
basis and was made the said Asmaul
Husna from her house and was sent to
my house. Some days after, she said as per willing to be gone to the house of
her father and then I made her to send to the house of her father with his
brother on simplicity of my mind. Near
about 15(fifteen) days after, on the passed dated 02/07/2011 AD, I was gone
to bring her, then the said Asmaul Husna did not meet with me. On other, her
mother and brothers and sisters were made me misbehavior and was informed me that my wife would be
come with me.
there is not possible to keep marriage relation with the said Almaul Husna.
Because, she is keeping relation with other male person yet after marriage
with me, On the other, Asmaul Husna on the passed dated 15/06/2011 AD, during
the period of going to the house of her father, due to ignorance of all of
us, approximate 7 numbers of each of
10 grams gold made ornament and cash money 50,000/- (fifty thousand) was
taken of which was found in later period.
In this situation, on today
04/07/2011 AD, I am before the following stated witnesses, I was made to the
said Asmaul Husna about 1 times divorce, 2 times divorce and 3 times divorce
and was made disconnect of the marriage related. It is needed that the dower
value 1,05,000/- was paid during the period of marriage.
Therefore, I humbly request
to you that you will be made effective of the said divorce and declare of
them same and thus oblige.
Copy is received with
Signature : Illegible
Date : Illegible
By Seal.
– Ashia, Post Office – Banglabazar, Police Station – Paitya, District – Chittagong.
Yours faithfully
Signature Illegible
(Mohammad Ababil Islam Chowdhury)
2. Mohammad Abbas, son of
late Haji Mohammad Yeakub, Village – Nimtala, House of Makbul Sawdagor,
Police Station – Bandar, District – Chittagong.
1.Asmaul Husna Rifat
Son of late Mohammad Osman
Mother – Sabera Begum
Village –South
Sikalbaha (House of Osman Master)
Police Station – Karnafuly,
District – Chittagong.

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