Before the Notary Public at Dhaka,
I Abdul Rob
Chawdhury son of Late Abdul Goni Chowdhury of Vill. + P.O. Fulshuti, P.S.
Nagarkanda, Dist. Faridpur, Bangladesh, by faith Muslim, by Occupation
Cultivation, by Nationality Bangladeshi by birth, do hereby solemnly affirm and
declare as follows:
1. That
am a permanent resident and citizen of Bangladesh by birth.
2. That
TARANA SUKUR Daughter of Late Abdul Goni Chowdhury is my younger sister and I
am her elder brother.
3. That
we are acquainted to each other since ling. Due to free mixing and talking with
each other, we fell in deep love for which I cantlive without each other.
4. That
considering all facts and circumstances we have decided to marry each other at
our own will and accord and hence we have married each other as per Muslim
Shariat and sunnah and as per Muslim family marriage law ordinance act 1961 and
1974 presence of our near relatives.
5. That
we have married each other at own will and accord without any pressure, threat
or influence from any corner.
6. That
our aforesaid marriage will be register in the competent court of marriage
registrar as pre Muslim family marriage act 1961 and 1974.
7. That
we further declare that we have married each other on this the 1st
day of January-, 1955.
8. That
after performing all the formalities of our marriage from today i. e. 01/02/1955 we shall live
together as legally married husband and wife.
9. That
none of our relatives have no right to raise any objection against our
aforesaid marriage as we have married each other at our own will and accord
without any pressue, threat or influence from any corner. If any body raise any
objection against our aforesaid marriage that will be null and void in the eye
of law.
That the statements made above are true and correct to the best of our
knowledge and we have put our respective hands on this the 19th day
of February 1992.

The deponents are known to me and identified by me and they have put
their hands in my person on this the 1st bay of February, 2003.
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