Annex. “Ga”
Bangladesh Kreshi Bank
Jurain Branch/Office
Member’s Secretary
Managing Committee, Employees Provident Fund
Deputy General Manager
Central Accounts and Managing Department-2
Bangladesh Kreshi Bank
Head Office, Dhaka.
Through : Competent authority
Subject : Regarding returning the deposited money deposited as
provident fund after making final adjustment.
Dear Sir,
I/we, the under signed persons Md. Md. Humyon
Kabir, the former Chief Officer, BKB, Jurain Branch/Office, Identity No.: H-139
titled by me. From dated 22/04/08 AD I/he do/does not have the service for
Therefore, in the identity No. : H-139 of
provident fund for under taking the entire required steps to return the entire
deposited money to me I have enclosed the under mentioned papers &
documents/information herewith.
01. Father’s/Husband’s name of the officer/worker : Late Md. Nurul Islam
02. (a) First date of joining to the service, designation
and branch/office : Date
of Joining Designation Br/Office
13/11/76 AD Treasurer BKB Nabinagar
Br., B-Baria
(b) . Name of branch/office and designation at the time
of retirement from
service :
BKB-Jurain Branch, Dhaka, Chief Officer
Vill.: Kantchonpur, P.O.: Soifullahkandi
Upazila : Bancharampur, District : B-Baria
03. Latest accepted basic salary :
TK. 13,375/-
04. Release letter and discharge letter from service : Has been enclosed herewith.
05. Name of working place of latest three years and
certificate regarding dues
& liabilities (Original copy) : BKB Teliapara Br., Sundarpur Bazar Br. and
Jurain Br.-1, the certificate regarding dues
& liability has been enclosed herewith.
06. (a) Amount of received non-refundable advance and date : Not
(b) Amount of received
refundable advance and date :
12,00,000/- Date : 23/07/07 AD
(c) Total amount of received
money and present balance
(With interest) as
advance for house construction :
Basic TK. 6,75,000/- Present balance
Interest : -

(d) Other advance (If any) :
07. As per administration letter No.: 10/2000 AD whether
any advance for house construction has been
received or not? : Not
08. From 01-07-84 AD the name of present working place
and period (Should be
enclosed separately) : Has been enclosed herewith
09. Date of stopping the subscription as provident fund : 07/08 Month
10. Copy of discharge letter/death certificate : Enclosed/Not Applicable
Therefore, Sir, by the light of the above-mentioned situation I do
hereby solemnly request you to return me he deposited money deposited in the
identity No.: H-139. It is notable that the said P.F. account has not been
liable/leaned for advance payment for house construction or any other way.
Sd/- Illegible
Date : 22/10/07 AD
Bangladesh Kreshi Bank
Jurain Branch, Dhaka.
Yours Truly,
Sd/- Illegible
Date : 22/10/07 AD
Signature of the applicant
Md. Humyon Kabir
Identity No.: H-139
Mob.: 01819-599076
Tel. No.: (Res.) 7542858
Bangladesh Krishi Bank
Application for Retirement Allowance & Gratuity
(Applicable for getting retirement of the employee himself/herself)
Name : Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir
Latest Designation : Chief Officer
Last Working Place
: BKB, Jurain Br., Dhaka, regarding his
Within 02 months of going to LPR the
officer/worker of Bangladesh Kreshi Bank by filling up the first portion of
the pension application form and
required papers should be submitted to chief of the office chief/controlling
officer. If he does not want to enjoy LPR he/she should submit the application
before 06 months of receiving retirement.
The controlling office chief/03 Nos. copies of
‘Form’ of the office chief in the 1st portion the attestation of specimen
signature signed by the applicant and other information after being counter
signed 02 copies of it should be sent to
the Human Resource Development Department (Pension Branch) of the Head Office
directly and one copy should be preserved in this office file.
After checking the entire information in the
head office after fulfilling the 2nd portion of the said ‘Form’ for verifying
it’s all sides regarding accuracy of pension should be sent to the audit
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