From No. 25 & 26
(Accounts Rule-83 & 84)
Profession & Trade Licence No. 1036 Date: 13/07/2001
Serial No. 7331 Word No.
Name : HAJI ABDUL MALEQUE B. Sc. S/o. Haji Mokbul Ahmed
Profession & Name of the Business Firm: Apan Biri Factory
Type of profession and business: Biri Factory
Address : College
Road, Basurhat, Noakhali.
The licence has been issued him for currying on his above mentioned
profession and business at the above mentioned address after receiving the necessary tax under the terms & conditions
of the opposite page for the financial year 2001-2002.
(a) Current
Renewal – 1000/-
(b) Arrears - /-
(C) Croaky/Fine -

Total in Figure - 1000/-
word – One thousand Taka only.
Sd/- Illegible
Licence Supervisor
Basurhat Municipality
Sd/- Illegible
Basurhat Municipality
& conditions :
(1) The place of business and shop should to be in the place and
will mange as such way by which will not be disadvantage for the persons
residing in the neighborhood and for the common people and will not be harmful
for the health and not to be irritating.
(2) This licence in not transferable in any condition.
(3) This licence is fixed only for above mentioned business.
(4) This will be used in
the place or part of the place for which it is issued.
It is not allowed to change
or extend the particular or limitation of the business place mentioned in the
licence in any condition.
(5) The licence receiver if will leave the licensed business place
or business before expiry date of the licence, he should to inform by written the
Licence Issuing Authority without delay.
(6) It is should to keep
minimum two pails for fire distinguishing.
(7) The licence receiver will must obey the instructions
regarding licensed place and business Rules issued by the Supervision Authority
This licence will remain valid up to 30th June, 2002.
N. B. The licence will be
cancelled for violation any terms & conditions as mentioned above.
carrying on the Profession and business
without licence there is provision of fine up to 500.00 Taka and
other punishment as per Rules.
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