The Compay


The encouraging  for local, joint and foreign  investment, it is strategic high aim of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We are assuring on it whole developing plans for the Kingdom and to be needed any foreign project or joint  which will rise in the Kingdom same in permanent condition or temporary condition to obtaining the license from the General Organization for Investment.

The General Organization for investment is assuring about its observance of spreading in any application for license within thirty days, the day of work from fulfillment of requirements as highest limit, with its obligation about obtaining foreign projects and joint on whole facilities provocation which obtained by the Saudi Investor.  That is by assistance with the authorities of local person. Will target attraction of investment which will serve the economic and Saudi Society and will ensure the aims of technical transference and transference of modern method in the market and administration. Will participate in developing and diversity of presented services in the Saudi Market with catalysis of positive discussion in the market, opening  new executions for Saudi exports, training, rehabilitation and employment of male & female citizens, increasing the gross local production within investigation of added value for Saudi Economic.          


Terms & conditions for obtaining foreign investment permit and joint venture (for the companies )

1.                                          Non arriving of the investment activity among the list of investment activities of foreign investment.
2.                                           The applicant for the permit to be normal person or considerable will present to the Kingdom for the purpose of investment.
3.                                          The investor not to be issued the final judgement against him due to fundamental violation of foreign investment system.
4.                                          The investor not to be sentenced previously in the financial or business violations same in the kingdom or other counties.
5.                                          The production quality and production systems and materials to be proceeding in accordance with the rules of the Kingdom and in condition of its non existence the approval will be completed on permission of the rules of the European Union or United States of America or Japan.
6.                                          Obtaining of origin on the approval from the local authority with some activities which will require that.
7.                                          Proving of the financial ability on investment about which will be appropriate with the capital of the project and share of each partner.
8.                                          Submission of little temporal and detail schedule for the steps of execution of the project and complete obligation about its execution .
9.                                          The investor will be obliged about applying whole prevailing rules in the Kingdom and from those: Rules of Labour and Labourers,  Rules of Social Insurance, Rules of Jakat and Taxes and Customs, Rules of legal procedure, Rules of penal procedure, Rules of legal professional, Companies rules, Commercial Registration, commercial cheating, Bank Control Rules of mental ownership protection, Rules of Trade Marks, Rules of rights protection of the union, patent rules, Rules of residence, Rules of foreign investment, Rules of protection and encouraging of national industries .
10.                                     Pay of the fee amounting 2000 SR for new permit.
                                                                                                                 Contd. P/2

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11.                                     The investor who has previously residence or work in the Kingdom within previous three years for submission, he needs to present no objection from the previous sponsor with approval.
12.                                     In the rate for the formed companies from the persons only or person or persons and origins to be conditioned in any following person:         
One.                                Existing of educational qualification, and suitable experience or required activities for the permit and the profession of the submitter as workers and students quality.
Two.                                Existence of the budget for the origin which will be owned by the investor person or be partner with it is outside of the Kingdom for previous applicants for the permit expressing its financial solvency  and to be counted by the approved accounts office and to be attested  by the concerned authorities about trading activities and taxes in the country of the investor and from the Saudi Embassy in the country of investor.
Three.                           Bringing the list of more than three agents for origins and information related
    with them.
d. Existence of the investing works previously done by the origin in the field of the activities who will desire to invest in it with submission the certificates of obtained  achievement. 

Note : 
(*) The name use of any application from the resident or arriving person to the Kingdom with Hajj or Umra or Work Visa.
(**) Add to the matter in which the local authority has done for Saudi Projects or Foreign or Joint Venture for confirmation of entry by the local rules, such as Labour, Residence, Taxes, civil defense rules and rules of the country and its violation and the organization also will follow the permitted projects for confirmation of its entry by the rules of foreign investment and its obligation about the purpose for which the permit is given and temporal schedule submitted for project execution.
(***) Fee of the permit and there is no relation and service wages after the permit or wages of services " Quick Action" for obtaining the services and additional budget.

1.                                          Not to be granted visa or residence in the name of " Investor" unless he has 3 persons in the company maximum not to be less share of any of them in the company 25%   from the capital or of 1,000,000 SR. 
2.                                          In the rate for the formed companies from the persons, in condition of partners about previous investment permit, he will not be permitted except being confirmed  about his pervious permit standing and effective , there is no violations on him from the department. 

Please call our Investor Link
Within Saudi Arabia : 800-244-9990
Outside Saudi Arabia : + 966(2)653-9510
Or visit our website:

The Documents which are necessary to collect the same on the Applicant for the company permit.
(Formed by the persons only)

1.                                          The form will contain the prayer for obtaining the printed investment permit with required undertakings.
2.                                          Photocopy of Passport for each partner (all pages with empty) on condition that its validity not to be less than 6 months from the date of application submission. With enclosing 4 personal photo of each partner.
3.                                          Bank certificate mentioning average balance of last 12 month (not to be less than 250,000 SR (66,666 US Dollar) or share of each partner from the capital which is the bigger of  these).

4.                                          Personal character for each partner with the photocopy of the last educational certificate translated in the Arabic Language through the recognized translation office in the Kingdom in the Kingdom in condition it was in non Arabic Language.

5.                                          In connection of the person who was the resident in the Kingdom : No objection letter from the last sponsor in condition that the partner was a resident in K.S.A within less than 3 years from submission of the application as per approval.

6.                                          Preliminary contract of establishment for the new company according the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry.

7.                                          Decision of the partners about their desires for investment in the Kingdom mentioning in it the names of the partners and capital, rate of their shares in cash  and shares and place and activities, appointment of Director General and his powers (if not to be fixed in the contract of establishment). 

8.                                          Prayer for approval from the Ministry/concerned authority when will demand the activities or enclosing the approval when will get the similar (Financial Services, Insurance, information, tours, health, higher education and training).

9.                                          In existence of Saudi Partner: 

One.                                Photocopy of family circle with original true copy.   
Two.                                Bank certificate mentioning average balance of last 12 month (not to be less than 50,000 SR  or his share from the capital which is the bigger of  these to be printed in the official  pad of the Bank and sealed from it)
10.                                     Representation for the office of legal profession or Saudi Person in the Kingdom to be attested from Saudi Embassy in the country of the investor with the approved form on condition that it will be translated in Arabic Language through the recognized translation office in the Kingdom in the Kingdom in condition it was in non Arabic Language.
11.                                     In connection with any individual partner who he has previous investment permit.

One.                                Report from the concerned department about non existence of violations.
Two.                                Balance sheet of the pervious financial year when the permit to be passed one & half year minimum.
Three.                           Photocopy of the valid Jakat Certificate, Income Certificate and no to be accepted " Free Certificate" .

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