National University

B,A/ B,S,S/ B, Sc/ B, Com.
Honours Part -3 Examination –2002
Name of Honours Subject :
Full Name of
the Examinee : PARUL AKHTER
Name of the Examinee: Sumsun Nahar
Name of the
College: Govt. Bangla College
Roll : Dhaka Number : 943569
Name of the Subjects / Papers to appear at the examination (Should not
to erase or overwrite the papers)
1. Chemistry 4th Paper 2.
Chemistry 5th Paper
3. Chemistry 6th Paper 4.
Chemistry 7th Paper
5. Chemistry 8th Paper 6.
Signature of the Examinee : Sd/- Parul
Date of examination
beginning : 23 OCT, 2003

N.B. 1. The
examinee will fill up the above-mentioned information by own hand.
The Principal will attest the photo of the examinee of own college.
The information compared by the Principal will be considered as final.
If appears in the examination in any another subject except the subjects
mentioned in the application will be considered as cancel.
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