Yours Memorandum Sample







Increases of all kinds of awareness in related of health for the mental welfare

8.       To increase of awareness about mother and child health and to make co-operation.
9.       First Aid to the pregnancy mothers, vaccination program to the neonatal child's, usefulness of the breast milk of mother, in overall make co-operation to increase of  good health and to broadcast as "Milk  container is not more, mother's breast milk is the best".
10.     To increase awareness to the peoples  and as such to the male/female students of the school and college through the seminar and broadcast about the demerits of the deadfall disease AIDS.
11.     To make arrangement for Trade based Training and to distribution of Certificate about the subject of Law - Disciplines and Human Rights to the persons employed in the Govt. and Non-Govt. Organization and workshop and initiation of Training with the combination of peoples from any professional peoples.
12.     To make constitute of Human Right Trust and to the view of Human Rights Ministry and as such make initiation of the Govt. and the peoples.
13.     To make observation, verification and evaluation about the duties and responsibilities of the Law Disciplines keeping Forces and the environments of Police Station Custody and including the environments of the Jail custody and to observation of the situation and to inform of the Govt.
14.     To publish a Preface Booklet to  make place of the constitutional activities and the advancement in between of the peoples.

E. To constitute of Fund of the Organization and source of Income:

The Fund will be constituted as per of the rules of the constitution and the income-expense shall be reserved.
(a) This organization shall be conducted by the contribution of the local- foreign donor/assistance organization and to the view of construct Fund and with any person or organization or enterprise in local and foreign and with the made of communication and made of contract, there could collected of money.
(b) The main source of income of the organization is the contribution of the members, gift, subscription and one time contribution and different type of fees.
In the case of foreign Aid, there would be followed of the "Foreign Donation Voluntaries Regulation Ordinance 1978".
© To make adaptation of profit and income base work scheme or project.


There could be opened a Bank Account in any schedule bank approved by the central Bank of the State and in conducting of the Bank Account,  among the Chairman, General Secretary and Monetary Editor within these three persons by the signature of any one person from the two persons including of the signature of the  General Secretary, the bank account could be operated.




Article No.1: In this view and in connection of the situation if not to be incomplete or if not in against to each other then:

One.      The Organization shall be called by the name of Bangladesh Human Rights Council (BHRC).
Two.    The Law means the Societies Registration Act.
Three.The work area of the Organization: All over of the Bangladesh.
Four.    The Operating Council means the Operating Council of the Bangladesh Human Rights Council.

Articles-2: Eligibility for achieving of membership post:

Only the Bangladeshi citizen, with the compliance of the view and object of the Bangladesh Human Rights Council and the voter list included person, a real good characteristic, with moral merit, cool merit, analysis and judgement in any matter, intelligent to give decision in good and bad judgement,  a awareness person who is respectful to the existing rules and to the public welfare activity initiation, such a man and in the application for awarding membership and after paid the fixed members, there could be applied to the Chairman/Secretary. But the state betrayer and in the existing law punished and in social stage unaccepted any person, could not be a member of the organization.

Article - 3: Process to achieving the membership post:
One)      Any person willing to take the membership post of the organization, there would be taken recommendation from 2(two) persons and with the fixed application letter, there would be applied to chairman.
Two)    The admission Fee for the membership is 100/- (one hundred) and the monthly contribution is 50/- (fifty) taka.
Three)            Project base member and membership post could be given, but the fixed application Fee by the Operating Council and if be agreed to pay at a time contribution.

Four)   The Chairman would be examined and verified of all the deposited application for all of the members and will be submitted to the Executive
 Council for  approval and after made of approval would be written the register.

Article-4: There would 4(four) classified members in this organization:
One)      General Member.
Two)    Advisory Member.
Three)            Donor Member.
Four)   Life Member.

One)      General Member: On the basis of the related terms and conditions, for achieving of the Membership Post, any person could be happened a member after paid 100/-  (one hundred) taka and monthly contribution 50/- (fifty) taka.
Two)    Advisory Member: To over all development of the organization, there would be nominated of the Advisory Member. The said members could be presented in the general meeting and they could not be participated in the election including of the voting right and they would be treated as the member of the highest council.
Three)            Donor Member: He/She would be made contribution at least 50,000/- (fifty thousand) to highest 10,00,000/- (ten Lac) or any material in equal, he/she would be treated as the Donor Member. These classified members could be presented in the General Council Meeting and can be submitted of his/her own opinion to the development activities of the organization. But he/she could not be cast any vote or participating to the election.
Four)   Life Member: If be any member paid at a time 50,000/- (fifty thousand) or equal amount of wealth, he/she should be treated as the Life Member. But there would be approval of two parts out of three part of the Executive Council. There would not be the right for votes of the Life Member. They could only be participated in the General Council Meeting.

Article-5: Cancellation of the Membership Post, fill up the vacant post and replacement:

One)      In the light of the Membership post achieving, the Executive Council will be given decision for not eligible of remaining the member, he/she would be lost of the Membership port.
Two)    If any member of the Executive Council be made absent in 3(three) executive meeting of the General Meeting without showing any logical cause, the executive council may be treated cancel of his membership post if be wished.
Three)            If any member if be resigned from his post in willingly.

Four)   If be dis-obeyed for the constitution of the organization.
Five)     If be made such a work as the anti-position to the discipline or interest of the organization.
Six)         If be made due payment at a time 6(six) months after got the membership post.
Seven)           Characterless, any anti-social person who is drug addicted, if be engaged into the anti-social work, if be happened for brain dis-order, if the economic insolvency or if be died.

Fill of the Membership Post:
If be happened vacant of any membership post of the Executive Council and as per the decision of the Council, there could be filled of the vacant post.

Replacement of Membership Post:

For the cause, the membership post is cancelled, he/she should be made show cause and for replacement, there would be paid 100/- (one hundred) taka and there would be submitted of the undertaking on the stamp of 150/- (one hundred fifty) taka to the General Secretary. After this, as per the consideration of the Executive Council, the Membership post could be made replacement.

Article - 6: Fund of the Organization (Income-Expense):


One.         Admission of the Members, through the acceptation of contribution and subscription.
Two.        Through the well wishes contribution and investment.
Three.     Govt. and Non-Govt. Organization, Welfare based Organization, Contribution of  the local and foreign Donor Organization and through the acceptance of Gift.
Four.        Income from the project, investment, service charge got from the project and through the misc. income.
Five.         Income from the project of the organization.
Six.             Income from the other source.

One)         For Office Rent, Telephone, Internet, Fax, Letters, Electric Bill paying.
Two)        For buying of Furniture's.
Three)    For salary allowance of the employees.
Four)       For increase of the professional skill ness and for the Training purpose of the employees to the local and foreign institution.
Five)         Expense in the head of project.
Six)            For buying of vehicle to the execution of the program of the organization.
Seven)   For communication made to the visit of the organization for the project.
Eight)       Fund collection to the name of the organization and to the responsibility employed country directors in different countries of the world.
Nine)       For the Accounts Auditing.
Ten)          Project proposition preparation of the organization, preparation of principles of the accepted projects of the organization, Training, Orientation, remuneration of the members in the meeting-seminars.
Eleven)  Misc. expenses including of the publication head. 
Articles - 7: Employment and Salary-Allowances:

One)      For the implementation of the object and work-program of the organization, there could be employed for sufficient numbers of executive-employees.
Two)    In between of the Executive Council and the Executives, there would be formed of 3(three) members containing employment board operating council and would be approved.
Three)            The Members of the Operative Council would be honorary. But as per the decision of the Operative Council, if any director be performed responsibilities, they he/she could be accepted of the honorary/allowance money.

Article - 8: Organizing structure:

There will be 2(two) organizing structure or council for operating of the organization as:
One)      Executive Council.
Two)    Advisory Council.

One)    Executive Council :

There will be a Executive Council containing of 7(seven) members:

(1) Chairman                   -        1(one) person.
(2) Vice Chairman           -        1(one) person
(3) General Secretary       -        1(one) person
(4) Joint General Secretary -      1(one) person
(5) Economical Secretary -       1(one) person
(6) Executive Member     -        2(two) persons.
                           Total    -        07(seven) persons.

Two)   Advisory Council :

(1)                The Executive Council shall be constituted a Advisory Council taking the 3- 5 members of the respected persons of the society and with the experts and the view is that there could be implemented any of the view and objects.
(2)                The Advisory Council members would not be given of the monthly  contribution. But if be made gift in self willingly to the organization for the implementation that will be accepted in thankfully.
(3)                The Advisory Council will have been any duration period.
(4)                Any member from the Advisory council is acted in anti-position of the organization, his/her membership post shall be treated as invalid.

(5)                The Executive Council will be appeared in any program and in any function of the organization and will be initiated to the  of  the works and will be given advice.

Three)         Constitute different branch Unit and Approval:

There will be constituted different branch unit to make forceful of the organization. The committees are as follows:

(1)                (a) District Branch Unit.
(b) Upazila/Police Station  Branch Unit.
(c) Municipal Branch  Unit.
(One)      City Unit.
(b) Divisional Unit.

These units will be constituted with 21(twenty-one) numbers of members. The Divisional units will be constituted with 9(nine) numbers of members. The Upazila, Police Station, Municipal Committee will be sent the Divisional Committee after recommendation by the District Committee. Through the recommendation of the Divisional Committee, there will be received of the central approval and the City Committee will be directly received the approval of the central committee through the recommendation of the Divisional Committee.

Article - 9: Highest Council:

Any acceptable person who is consented by all shall be treated as the member of the Highest Council to the organization. He/she will have to be made any decision for the organization. In the urgent need of the organization, they could be taken any of decision. Through the compliance by most of the members and will be works as change of constitution, addition, local committee formation, approval and will be taken any decision and could be performed all responsibilities including the arrangement for election in easy process.

Article - 10: Work planning and Process:

(One)   Legal Aid:

(1)                There will be formed the investigation team as per the complain of the sufferer and will be submitted report to the proper authority with the necessary Legal Aid. In the general case or on the basis of the published complain in the newspaper by the Govt. and Non-Govt.

Organization about violation of human rights and to the interest of the Law and true justice, there could be taken for necessary arrangement.
(2)                If be not activated or implemented of the Legal Aid by the organization and in this case, there could be arrange of news conference, lodge of case to the court or could be taken of arrangement like protestation.

(Two)  Investigation process for the matter of complain:

On the basis of complain made by the sufferer and to the stage of different unit, there could be formed of own investigation team.  To be executed such of investigation and in the central stage, there could be co-ordinate for any officer if in needs and the investigation report must be sent to the central office.

(Three)       Settlement of complain:

(1)                If not to be come in settlement for any complain by the district branch, there would be informed to the central office about its proper cause and situation and in this case, the center will be taken for necessary steps. If be lodged any complain and if be needed for personal hearing, then there will be given notice to the opposite party for appearing in the hearing. If any party be not appeared in the hearing for the 1st day, then there would be provided notice after fixed of 2nd day for hearing. If not be appeared in the 2nd day hearing, then there will also be given notice after fixing of 3rd day hearing. If not to be appeared in the 3rd hearing day, then it would be informed about the matter to the center and to be taken for the necessary steps after accepting of the central opinion, advice-order etc.
(2)                For the implementation of the Legal Right by the sufferer and if be needed to lodge cases in the court, there will be appointed of the Lawyer by the organization with the assistance of the sufferer and there could be conducted the cases in the courts.
(3)                For the settlement of  created quarrel between the parties and the opposite parties and to the interest for keeping peace-discipline for both the parties, there could be invited of arbitration meeting and to avoid of the case function and avoid of long term step and the view of compromise-solution, there would be initiated to the peoples, taken of necessary step and to implementation it.

Article-11: Administrative arrangement, Power to the Executive Council and Responsibilities:

The Executive Council will be conducted for all the activities of the council.

(One)      The duration of the executive council will be for 03(thee) years.
(Two)       All the documents and registers shall be reserved under this supervision of this council including all the accounts for income-expenses of the organization. Moreover, there will be kept for all kinds of co-operation and the true copy maintained.
(Three) For the implementation of the view and object of the organization, this council would be prepared of the work planning and budget and will be made recommendation in the meeting of the general council.
(Four)     There will be made approval for the necessary expenses of the organization.
(Five)       There would be formed of committee for to perform of the special works or will be constituted of the Advisory Council.
(Six)         For implementation of object to the organization, the money or its fund, with smooth and in easy manner, through the investment in any head, there could be taken for any active steps.
(Seven)To prepare different rules-regulation and to make alternation, enlargement and addition if be needed, there could be performed.
(Eight)  For collection of fund and property of the organization and through the exercising of movable, immovable property buy-sale, lease etc. and as per the representative on behalf of the organization, there could be taken of ownership and could be made development, mortgage, use and alternation of the said property.
(Nine)     There could be given of possible co-operation to the work of any other organization and through the work planning  in jointly, there could be made implementation of the projects.
(Ten)        There can be given agreement letter for acceptance of contribution or loan from the local-foreign, govt. or non-govt. donor society.
(Eleven)        There can be made arrangement for to arrange of meeting day, for accounting, for expenditure voucher, account book, cash book audit etc.
(Twelve)       For implementation of projects to the organization, to make selection of the employees, to make appointment, to make selection of salary for all the employees, to do resignation if in need and to make employment rules for the salaried employees.
(Thirteen)   Could be determined of the responsibilities about administrative, economical and operative of the organization.
(Fourteen) The Executive Council can be determined all the administrative management, project acceptance, implementation and responsibilities to the officers-employees.
(Fifteen)       There could be made approval for to withdraw of money from the Bank before make of expenditures for necessary money of the organization.
(Sixteen)      Could be arrangement for increase of income after adaptation of different projects on commercial for the organization.

(Seventeen)               There will be invited for meeting about the members of one time in each year and the ledger will be distributed among the members about income-expense and progress of the organization.

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