Nusrin Yesmin, wife of Nurul Hoque & Daughter of Mollika Khatun, Present Address: 16/1-2, 1/903, Eastern Morshed, Shagun Bagicha,  Dhaka-1000, Permanent Address: Village- Pahar Uzli, Post Office- Lacpur, Thana- Belabo, District- Narshingdi. National ID No 2697556392407, by faith- Islam, by profession- Businessman, by Nationality Bangladeshi by birth, proprietor of Molla Traders.
Tarun Das, son of Sona Chand Das & Usha Rani Dash, Village- Baushi, Post Office- Boalia Bazar, Police Station- Nobignaj, District- Hobiganj, National ID No. 9196211225639, by faith- Hindu, by profession- Businessman, by Nationality- Bangladeshi by birth (hereinafter referred to as the ATTORNEY) to be my true and lawful ATTORNEY for me and in my name and on my behalf as well as Molla Traders
 to do and execute all or any of the following acts, deeds and things:-
1.                  To operate and manage or maintain the schedule VoIP Service Provider (VSP) License mentioned herein.  
2.                  To execute in my name and on my behalf all short of deeds, documents, instruments, such as sale, exchange, transfer, hebanama, Mortgage, Affidavit, Agreement & all sorts of bank documents, confirmation surrender etc. regarding operation and management of the schedule License mentioned herein.
3.                  That the ATTORNEY shall be liable for all the duties income tax and responsibilities arising out of schedule License mentioned herein as well as VSP guidelines issued by the Government/ BTRC and shall not do any illegal business related to the system and service of VoIP business. 
4.                  That the ATTORNEY is also empowered to execute another Irrevocable General Power of ATTORNEY deed regarding the schedule license hereafter.
5.                  That to receive and recover any debt which belongs to Molla Traders by any person, other company of association and on receipt or payment of any money whatsoever due and payment for/against Molla Traders to sign proper receipts and discharges for recovering and compelling payment thereof.
6.                  That to appoint and constitute on my behalf any advocate, revenue agent in connection with the protection, cases and transfer of these scheduled property mentioned herewith and also to appear and dispose before any court or any other forum.
7.                  That to do, execute and/or perform any other act, deeds, matter or things whatsoever my ATTORNEY would execute/ perform such act, deeds, matter or things in relations to these scheduled property mentioned herewith, as fully and effectually in all respects as I myself could do the same if I were personally present.
8.                  That all acts and whatever my ATTORNEY shall do I am hereby agree to ratify and confirm that or those, that my ATTORNEY shall be free from all legal bindings and shall be indemnified by me and my heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives against all risk liabilities, losses, damages if any incurred for any of the acts, deeds and/or thins done by virtue of this Power of Attorney.
9.                  That to appear for and represent me before the Board of Revenue, Magistrate, Judge and in all Government Office, Semi Government Office, Autonomous Body in all matters and things relating to the schedule property.
10.             That to appear for and represent me in all the courts whether civil & criminal or revenue including labour tribunal, original, revisional or appellate in any registration offices and to sign execute, verify, Vokalatnama and file plaints, written objections, written statements and petitions and also to present appeal in any court and to except service of all summons, notices and other process of law.
11.             That to comprise compound or withdraw or be non-suited to refer to arbitration all disputes and differences.
12.             Due to illness Nusrin Yesmin gives the power of attorney to Tarun Das. In future Nusrin Yesmin and his heir will not change the power of attorney.


VoIP Service Provider (Molla Traders) License No. BTRC/LL/VSP(472)Molla/ 2013-472, dated: 25/03/2013 25.03.2013...................... Issued in favor of Nusrin Yesmin, Present Address: 16/1-2, 1/903, Eastern Morshed, Shagun Bagicha,  Dhaka-1000, Permanent Address: Village- Pahar Uzli, Post Office- Lacpur, Thana- Belabo, District- Narshingdi issued by Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), IEB Bhaban (5th-7th Floor), Ramna, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.

For the purposes of this Authorization and the specimen signature of Tarun Das is attested herein below.

1.                                                       2.                                         3.       

          Tarun Das

                       Nusrin Yesmin

Attested by:

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I the above named has set my hand on this IRREVOCABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY on this the 29th October, 2015 being attested by two witness.


2. Md. Anisor Rahman
28/2/A Mirhazir Bagh, Shampur,
Dhaka-1204Shahadat Hossain Saka


Signature of the Principal

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