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Resume of
Md. Maien Uddin
Milling Address: House#88/B,
Kadamtala, Bashaboo, Shabujbagh, Dhaka-1214.
Mobile : 01735838554
Career Objective:

To serve in responsible administrative position at a well-structured organization and successfully apply acquired managerial and interpersonal skills to enhance organizational efficiencies
Educational Qualification:


Name of Exam           :           BBS (Hon’s)
Group                          :           Accounting
Result                          :           2nd Class
Passing Year               :           2011
University                   :           National University

Name of Exam           :           H.S.C
Group                          :           Business Studies
G.P.A                          :           3.40
Passing Year               :           2006
Board                          :           Barisal

Name of Exam           :           S.S.C
Group                          :           Business Studies
G.P.A                          :           3.31
Passing Year               :           2004
Board                          :           Barisal


·         I have 6 month experience as Sales Representative in Systech Publication, Dhaka
·         Now I am Assistant Teacher in Baburhat Ideal  High School, Charfassion, Bhola, January 2015 to till now.

Language Skill:


Ability to speak read and Write English, Bengali.
Language Skill:


            Office Program           :           MS Word, MS Excel, Internet Browsing etc.
Personal Information:



Father’s Name          :           Sekander Ali Mridha
            Mother’s Name         :           Chanbaru Begum
            Date of Birth             :           01 July 1989
            Nationality                :           Bangladeshi
            Religion                     :           Islam  
            Marital Status           :           Married
            Blood Group             :           B+ (Positive)
            Permanent Address  :           Vill- Nigabad Gopaldi,
P.O.- Dashmina,
P.S.- Dashmina,
Dist.- Patuakhali

I hereby declare that all the information stated above is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.


Md. Maien Uddin

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