Example Of License Authorization Letter

Ref:                                                                                                                 Date:

The Chairman                                                                                             
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)
IEB Bhaban (5,6 & 7th floor) Ramna, Dhaka-1000

Subject: Authorization of my VSP License to Tarun Das.

Dear Sir,
Nusrin Yesmin, wife of Nurul Hoque & Daughter of Mollika Khatun, Present Address: 16/1-2, 1/903, Eastern Morshed, Shagun Bagicha,  Dhaka-1000, Permanent Address: Village- Pahar Uzli, Post Office- Lacpur, Thana- Belabo, District- Narshingdi. National ID No 2697556392407, by faith- Islam, by profession- Businessman, by Nationality Bangladeshi by birth, we the proprietor of  Molla Traders, a sole proprietorship concern, (the "Firm")  owned by us and regulated a VSP license bearing No. VoIP Service Provider (Molla Traders) License No. BTRC/LL/VSP(472)Molla/2013-472, dated: 25/03/2013 (the "VSP License") in Bangladesh.

This is to inform you that we have given power of attorney of the VSP License  to Tarun Das, son of Sona Chand Das & Usha Rani Dash, Village- Baushi, Post Office- Boalia Bazar, Police Station- Nobignaj, District- Hobiganj, National ID No. 9196211225639, by faith- Hindu, by profession- Businessman, by Nationality- Bangladeshi, Date of birth on 09 November, 1979 Therefore, Tarun Das will henceforth regulate the VSP License. His three specimen signature is appended below: From now I shall have no responsibility of the said license. 

1.                                          2.                                                    3.

Yours Sincerely

Nusrin Yesmin
Molla Traders

Ref:                                                                                                                 Date:

The Chairman,
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)
IEB Bhaban, Ramna, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.

Attention: Assistant Director E & O

Sub: Request for attaching VSP License no. BTRC/LL/VSP(472)Molla/2013-472, dated-25.03.2013 with IGW Global Voice Telecom Ltd.

Dear Sir,
With due respect, I would like to state for your kind information that VSP License no BTRC/LL/VSP(472)Molla/2013-472, dated-25.03.2013 Has been issued and awarded to me from your good office and connected me with IGW Bangla Tel Ltd. But their payment is not regular so I could not make any business. For this reason, I have been suffering a great financial loss.

In view of above facts, I would like to request your excellence to kindly allow me to start operation and service of my license attaching Global Voice Telecom Ltd.

I am looking forward to your kind co-operation.
With much thanks.

Yours Sincerely

Tarun Das
Baushi, Boalia Bazar,
Nobiganj, Habiganj.

Ref.                                                                                                             Date:

Authority Letter

Mohammad Anisor Rahman, Proprietor M/S Riham Enterprise, D-147/14 South Chaya Bithi Joydebpur, Gazipur, Mobile: 01715327336, is hereby authorized to collect payment against M M Telecom on behalf of me from Global Voice Telecom Ltd.

His three specimen signature is appended below:  

 1.                                          2.                                                    3.

Yours Sincerely

Md. Shahidur Rahman,
2/4, Daudkhan, Moszid Road,
North Side, East Ahmmad Nagor,
Mirpur, Dhaka-1216
Ref.                                                                                                             Date:

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