Example License Of Foreign Talk

The Chairman                                                                                             
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)
IEB Bhaban (5,6 & 7th floor) Ramna, Dhaka-1000

Subject: Authorization of my VSP License to Dr. M. Ahammad Ali Mollik.

Dear Sir,
Jewel Areng, son of Promod Mankin & Momota Areng, Present Address: KA-2, Khilkhet, Dhaka-1229, Permanent Address: Village- Rangrapara, Post Office- Rangrapara-2260, Police Station- Haluaghat, District- Maymensingh. National ID No 6112461473922, by faith- Tribal, by profession- Businessman, by Nationality Bangladeshi by birth, we the proprietor of  Foreign Talk, a sole proprietorship concern, (the "Firm")  owned by us and regulated a VSP license bearing No. VoIP Service Provider (Foreign Talk) License No. BTRC/LL/VSP(11)Foreign/2013-11, dated: 25/03/2013 (the "VSP License") in Bangladesh.

This is to inform you that we have given power of attorney of the VSP License  to Dr. M. Ahammad Ali Mollik, son of Late Al-Haz Md. Azhar Ali Mollik & Mrs. Momiran nesa Mollik, Permanent Address- Village- Uttar Ramnagar, Post Office- Dhurail, Police Station- Haluaghat, Maymensingh. Present Address- 106/2, Kalibari Road Bridge More, Sadar Maymensingh- 2200, Maymensingh. National ID No. 6125218245705, by faith- Islam, by profession- Service & Businessman, by Nationality- Bangladeshi, Date of birth on 01 March, 1976 Therefore, Dr. M. Ahammad Ali Mollik will henceforth regulate the VSP License. His three specimen signature is appended below: From now I shall have no responsibility of the said license.   

1.                                          2.                                                    3.

Yours Sincerely

Jewel Areng
Foreign Talk

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